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WINE-PRO: Digital Twin for Wine Fermentation Process Optimisation

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The ambitious goal of WINE-PRO is to revolutionize the wine fermentation process at Puklavec Family Wines through the development and deployment of a Wine Cellar Digital Twin (DT) solution within the Ormož wine cellar facilities. This cutting-edge solution aims to:

  • Seamlessly integrate real-time data from existing systems, such as temperature and weather data, enhancing the staff's ability to manage the wine fermentation process effectively.
  • Incorporate new digital refractometers in wine tanks for precise monitoring, feeding data into the Digital Twin for comprehensive analysis.
  • Introduce a user-friendly dashboard for real-time monitoring of the fermentation process, facilitating immediate adjustments and interventions.
  • Digitize the entire process of wine monitoring, encompassing critical parameter measurements for unparalleled accuracy and efficiency.
  • Implement a centralized data storage and analysis module to enable long-term predictions and optimizations of the fermentation process, ensuring consistent wine quality and character.

Challenges addressed:
Since acquiring the Ormož wine cellar in 2009, the Puklavec family has been at the forefront of technological innovation in winemaking. The cellar has been outfitted with state-of-the-art equipment for oxygen-free bottling and grape processing. The WINE-PRO project seeks to build on this foundation by introducing automatic refractometers and digitalized temperature monitoring, coupled with a Digital Twin, to predict and enhance wine quality. The project aims to:

  • Develop advanced model-based monitoring and predictive control techniques, eliminating time wastage and empowering winemakers to optimize the fermentation process based on real-time data.
  • Identify and integrate additional digital solutions for fermentation process management, ensuring a seamless blend of tradition and technology in winemaking.

Expected benefits:

WINE-PRO is set to transform winemaking at Puklavec Family Wines by:

  • Allowing winemakers to monitor and adjust the fermentation process in real-time, bypassing the need for traditional sampling and lab analyses.
  • Providing access to historical fermentation data to identify and replicate optimal fermentation conditions, adjusting external parameters to achieve desired outcomes.
  • Delivering significant energy and time savings, enhancing wine quality, and enabling better market positioning and pricing strategies through technological innovation.

Award date: 10/26/2023

Duration: 11 months
