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Press release: results of HIGHFIVE 2nd call for innovation projects


The HIGHFIVE 2nd open call for innovation projects is now over, and soon we will invite you to take a closer look at the seven funded projects. In the meantime, here are the key highlights of this open call for innovation projects, including high-quality applications and dedication addressing not just one but several or even all the challenges outlined by HIGHFIVE in the food processing industry.

With 51 submitted applications from 72 SMEs from 9 different countries covering 24 NUTS2- regions the HIGHFIVE Open Call for Innovation Projects 2 certainly proved to be of interest for SMEs. Budget requested was €3,842,556.

According to open call manager Simon Maas, careful assessment of the 44 eligible applications (out of 51 submitted) revealed that the majority scored between 75 and 85 evaluation points, reflecting the high quality of the submissions.

Despite the abundance of well-written and eligible proposals, the main limiting factor was the available budget of €514,600. Most applications requested the maximum funding of €60,000 per SMI under the conditions of the HIGHFIVE consortium. Ultimately, €540,510 was granted to 7 top applications through budget reallocations at the cluster partners’ level,” he says.

The distribution of eligible applications per country reflects a diverse participation, with great numbers from Hungary (10), Slovenia (9), and a balanced representation from Belgium, Finland, and Spain (5 each). Additionally, France, Germany, and Lithuania each contributed 3 eligible applications, while the Netherlands presented 1.

Awarded projects embrace cutting-edge tech and sustainability

The winning projects incorporate various advanced technologies, including AI, sensor systems, and predictive algorithms. Nearly all projects aim to improve food quality and operational efficiency.

In the latter category, several projects focus on optimizing waste reduction and energy efficiency, driven by environmental considerations and sustainable practices to reduce energy and water consumption and emissions specifically.

The combined initiatives mirror the food industry’s ongoing adoption of cutting-edge technologies and data-driven solutions. Specifically, regarding food quality and safety, several projects emphasized improvements through better and real-time monitoring and control systems in production. AI solutions and data-driven decision-making were significant components of multiple projects, often involving the whole production chain.


The HIGHFIVE consortium covers 39 NUTS2 regions from 9 EU countries. The HIGHFIVE actions aim to strengthen these regions via collaboration and sharing of success stories and guidelines. In doing so, HIGHFIVE will contribute to strengthening the European agrifood value chain and contributing to a more digital, sustainable, and resilient agrifood sector in Europe. The HIGHFIVE consortium finds its origin in the existing Thematic Smart Specialisation Partnership (TSSP), ‘Smart Sensors 4 Agri-food’.

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